It should take about 10 minutes to read this SEO tutorial for beginners, but implementing it will begin a process that will make a difference for your search engine rankings — you'll rank higher and convert more effectively. Read More
In an earlier entry linking to a post at the GirlOpinion blog, aspiring entrepreneur Mary Grace Ignacio talks about Google Wave and its possible applications (which are many) for the small business community. Though I realize not all our visitors are necessarily in the Web development set, I thought I would include this detailed if lengthy video o Read More
Google logo spotted an interesting double “l” today. 27 September 2009 is Google's 11th birthday and its logo is altered (like always) to celebrate 11 years of Google brilliance. Read More
The purpose was to foster and reward ideas that could improve the world. $10 million will be shared among five selected ideas for the implementation of the projects Read More
Google CEO, Eric Schmidt told Reuters that there would be acquisitions (with focus on small companies) approximately once a month mainly as a way to hire the best talent in the market. Read More
More funds = Less fail whale and bugs? This dream is coming true with Twitter Co-founder and CEO Evan Williams confirmation. However, the amount of funding Twitter received still requires some guesswork. No exact amount of funding was announced. Instead, the word “significant” was used. Is $100 million considered significant? Read More
Small businesses see the economy improving according to a survey by Chase Card Services, part of J P Morgan Chase & Co. Here are some important points from the survey, according to this report from Reuters: 1. the survey questioned 168 chief and senior executives from the annual list of fastest-growing small companies. 2. Four out of f Read More
Is the recession over and how has your small business fared? James Walton owns an executive recruiting business and writes the Black in Business blog and doesn't believe the recovery talk no matter what the economists say. In this reflective post, he talks about what he has seen as a small business person then opens the discussion to other small Read More
A rapidly growing industry is that of virtual assistants, also know as VAs. A virtual assistant is not an employee; he or she is self-employed. Being self-employed makes a VA an entrepreneur, a business owner. Read More
BizBox's Anonymous Banker bemoans the FDIC's failure to put together an effective community to study the lending problem among community banks. Read More

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