VoIP gives you freedom. You can shop around and get the internet connection you want, then shop around and find a VoIP provider that best meets your needs. Increasingly you are able to get both from a single provider. Read More
Here from Forbes.com is a list of best small business blogs including some we see regularly here on bizSugar.com. They include Small Business Trends and Duct Tape Marketing. There are some other great blogs here too like Entrepreneurial Mind, Church of the Customer and the All Business Blog Center list of top business bloggers. Check out these gre Read More
This article from Mashable looks at the world of wikis and their use for small businesses. Wikis can probably be best described as an online collaborative tool and though they may be talked about less than other popular Internet tools like blogs and social networks, they are at the very heart of the collaborative nature of Web 2.0. Read the articl Read More
The European Commission is known for not being frightened to take radical decision but the following ruling could influence the entire mobile business in Europe. It seems that a few iPhones have gone ahead and exploded in various countries in Europe. Read More
Google called Google Wave a communication and collaborative platform that could change the way we communicate online. The video below done by ephipeo studio, did very well in explaining how Google Wave could kill off our current email system, which was invented 40 years ago! Read More
While most kids are out in the park playing with their dogs, 10 year old Zoe Pemberton put her 61 year old grandmother, Marian Goldall up for sale... Read More
Publish your business book, or a book on any other topic you can imagine, today. Blurb.com, founded in 2006, provides software that makes anyone capable of designing their own book and puts costs within reach reach of anyone. Thirty-five percent of Blurb.com's customers are creative professionals including small and single proprietorship business Read More
If you are ready to consider alternatives to tape backup, here is a list of your best options. Read More
An individual's home, that was the symbol of stability and security, has become the primary center of stress for many home owners. It is no longer a dream for many but a nightmare instead. Read More
It is September 30 in most countries and people are getting really impatient. In reaction, we log on to our favorite social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter) to voice our anticipation. I wouldn't be surprised if some of us are standing by our email hoping to receive the invitation first hand, or fanatically refreshing the Google wave URL f Read More

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