My blog was born out of my fascination with custom made products and services. I believe one of a kind products are the ultimate form of indulgence and they also help you stand out in a crowd. Here is a guide to custom made products in India, a list of 12 compiled just for you Read More
Everybody needs to get their name out there on the social web. For entrepreneurs, however, it’s an even more critical aspect of the job. Read More
The Green Business bandwagon is the one that most people are jumping on to. Here are 5 green business success stories that are interesting and inspiring. Read More
Google Social Search was officially launched in October 2009 to help users find more relevant content from their social connections like their friends and the people they care about online. Google believes that content from your friends and contacts is more important and meaningful to you than cont Read More
Google Analytics can now be incorporated into Sprout Social's app helping business track the social media sources of their traffic. Read More
Twitter rolls out new functionality this week that sends email notifications for retweets and when others favorite your Tweets. Read More
If you want to become a travel writer, you can write for magazines, newspapers, publish guide books and more. Ultimately, a travel writer wants to educate his or her readers about a certain destination and if written for promotional purposes - to persuade readers to visit the location.

Some peop Read More
Telus and the Globe & Mail are running a contest called The Challenge. Small and medium sized Canadian businesses can enter the contest by filling out a short one page form on the Globe & Mail’s website. Read More
We believe that the small business owners need to spend equal, if not more, effort and money in keeping the existing customers as attracting new ones. It costs significantly more to acquire new customers. This post shows the steps you can take to get more life-time customers for your business. Read More
n the last few weeks, I have been watching my Twitter feed become consumed with hash-tagged tweets for the very successful NASA Tweetup events. These events have been going on since 2009, but I didn’t really take notice until recently. Imagine, a group of @NASA Twitter followers given an all access Read More

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