When it comes to running a small business, hiring is almost always a good sign since it often coincides with a company's expansion and development. But as economic uncertainty reigns supreme, the decision to bring on another employee is one that should be weighed carefully. Read More
Video interview with SEO expert Ira Wolfe tells tips for marketing for search engines and the social media impact on business today, including succeeding with Facebook, Twitter, and top tactics for Search Engine Marketing. Read More
Vlog interview with Ira Wolfe on how small business can capitalize on the social media movement to drive traffic, prospects and customers. Read More
Tips for marketing for search engines and the social media impact on business today, including succeeding with Facebook, Twitter, and top SEM tactics. Read More
Notepad apps have been around ever since the android market was started and there is no shortage of them. There are quite a few good notepad applications but I will be discussing a free one that I have a considerable amount of time using. It is called Color Note Notepad by Notes. It is a free app w Read More
A short description of how to network on Facebook effectively and without being to pushy with your product. Facebook is all about the relationships that you can have and share with others so using facebook effectively in that manner can definitely pay off. Read More
Employee feedback is a hot buzzword these days—a plethora of studies show that workers, especially younger ones, crave constant input from the boss about how they’re doing. But are you providing the right kind of feedback? Recent academic research reported in Strategy+Business offers some thought-p Read More
ODP/DMOZ doesn't rank well on search engine result pages (SERPs.) Here are some proofs that make us think: Is getting listed on ODP/DMOZ worth pursuing? Read More
Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Quora, and Linked in can be great ways to generate leads for your small business. Read More
How to take your brand from getting good local recognition, to becoming recognized at a national level. Tips for using traditional and Web public relations tactics to gain a solid foothold with the national media. Read More

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