Top 5 Ways to Come Home by Karen Keller, Ph.D. This home is where you celebrate your victories and evaluate your future plans. This is the place inside you where nobody else is privy. Where you find unconditional love and regard. Read More
Today’s Working Woman‘s Wardrobe: Do You Still Say Yes To The Dress? By Karen Keller, Ph.D. It's no secret that what you wear says a lot about who you are, your self-esteem, and your professionalism. Additionally, your work clothes "brand" your image on the job. Read More
7 Personal Power Qualities of Influential Women by Karen Keller, Ph.D. Personal power increases your energy level. Your self-esteem and confidence are proportionate to your personal power. Read More
Great tips for preparing your employees for face to face meetings with clients and partners.

This can be used for presentations on human resources or for building up an employee's potential or self development. Read More
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, tells women about the value of knowing and understanding their personal power. Every woman wants to access their personal power to streamline their world for powerful results. Read More
Tip of the Week – May 25, 2011
Our society has become less about working toward goals, and more driven toward immediate gratification. The great loss in this shift is the elation that comes at the end of successfully toiling away at a worthwhile endeavor.
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A great way to manage your sales performance is by using a sales performance dashboard. See-Understand-Act!

This is an online sales performance dashboard demo that displays KPIs (key performance indicators) such as Revenue, Reseller Sales, Sales Distribution, etc, and emphasizes performance and Read More
If you’re anything like me, you launched your business with the idea that you would be able to spend more time with your family, but as time goes on and your business grows the more administrative tasks that end up on your plate and the less time that you have to focus on what’s really important, y Read More
In Ventureneer's Vcourse you'll create a LinkedIn profile that makes people want to know you and your organization. It's the first in a 3-part series that will make you a sophisticated LinkedIn user. Read More
Planning your efforts and focusing on what you really need throughout the hiring process will improve your chances of success. Here are some tips for hiring the right employee for your small business. Read More

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