A business cannot sustain competitive advantage for long time based on product and price alone. Competition eventually will find a way to beat you on that game. Competitive advantage built on customer service, however, cannot easily be copied. The 7-step process described here can help you improve Read More
Asus Eee Pad Transformer appears to be the most favorite tablet at the moment. However, people are concerning when the 3G Version will come to the market. Read More
For an online entrepreneur it is important to realize the fact that email marketing is not restricted with massive sending of emails only. It should be noted that this marketing technique is quite versatile. Read More
Web directories are silently drifting away from top of search engine result pages. How so, and how to improve your web directory search engine ranking? Read More
The busy working mom’s guide to Incorporating a Business or Forming an LLC. I understand the hectic schedule and day-to-day reality of today’s working mom. I myself juggle between being a business owner, entrepreneur, wife, and mother of three (soon four...). Read More
Have you ever had one of those days? Where you’re stressed out, anxious and depressed - and all you want to do is crawl in bed and pull the covers over your head? That was me on Monday. You see, for the past 5 months we’ve been actively trying to conceive. Read More
One of the reasons why people are scared to venture into a business is because of the competitive game that’s been played among entrepreneurs or business owners. Most entrepreneurs who are planning to start a business startup are fond of starting a business startup that has no existing market.

T Read More
Entrepreneurs often have formidable technical expertise, key to developing a new product or service, but a great naïveté in management skills. They run into difficulty when their business reaches the $1-2 million annual sales range, or their employee count exceeds 5-10. It’s here that entrepreneurs Read More
I would like to apologize for missing the weekly round up last week as i published a post on Saturday. I should have been more discipline there if i want to make this weekly series a weekly affair. Once i think back, i don't see there is any problem as i have something which i need to get my though Read More
(05-22) 05:44 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) -- Some states are cutting the number of weeks that laid-off workers can get unemployment insurance, as a way to limit tax increases on businesses. Michigan, Missouri and Arkansas... Read More

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