We love WordPress. Our blog is built on the WordPress platform. We build custom CMS and other applications for lots of our clients using WordPress. It’s open source which means the source is free, there are tons of useful plug-ins and lots of support and documentation.

Does this mean that Wor Read More
On Monday we reviewed the major players in social media. Here we delve deeper into the niche players and how you can leverage these platforms to benefit your small business. Read More
One of the biggest myths I still see in the community of new entrepreneurs is the assumption that “All I need is a good idea, and some investor will give me the big money I need to build the business.” In reality, investors fund good business plans, not big dreams. It’s all in the execution. Read More
Never flood your followers again. Add Tweets to your Buffer and we spread them out for you during the day... You're browsing the web and finding great content. Read More
“A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships.” – Helen Keller

So how are you preparing to master yours?

Being successful in business is about developing and leveraging your greatest strengths.

Does that mean that you won’t face tough challenges? No! They wil Read More
In a recent blog post on Mashable.com, blogger Amy Mae-Elliot presents an online library of click-and watch videos that shows 10 terrific guerilla marketing campaigns at work. Here are lessons you can learn as you market your company outrageously.
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The world of search engine optimization is something that is changing at all times. Sometimes the changes are subtle and other times they are very drastic. The business world all-around is something that is constantly changing and evolving and things are not like they once were years ago. It is imp Read More
Free book giveaway - Make it Happen - The Prince's Trust Guide to Starting Your Own Business.This is a one–stop shop for starting and running your own business – a definitive guide that covers everything you’ll need to know and do to start the business you’ve always dreamed of. Read More
Have you ever tried to sell to Mr Know-it-all?
You know the guy. You meet him for the first time and he’s done a ton of research. He thinks he knows what his problem is and what he needs to fix it. He’s looked up you and your competitors and and thinks he knows all your relative strengths and Read More
The other risk is that the convenience of auto responses becomes pervasive and causes an entrepreneur not to take it seriously. Because the message will be sent out without an ounce of effort on their part, they feel it is only fitting that they not expend an ounce of effort in writing it. Read More

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