Sales organizations with a “no soliciting” sign should take the sign down. The message it sends to your sales force isn’t worth it. Read More
Not every businessman becomes successful. A lot of them actually fail. Some failures are worse than others. And still, some businessman found that they can rise up from failures and become successful. Not every businessman is the same. In fact, you would notice that Steve Jobs has a different style ... Read More
Retailers are trying to get customers to spend more than just time on Facebook Inc.

In the past six months, such companies as Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., J.C. Penney Co. and GNC Holdings have invited customers to spend money by shopping on company fan pages without ever leaving Fac Read More
Email Marketing - Though most email is still read via webmail channels, some 16% of email messages were viewed via mobile device in March 2011, up 80% (7 percentage points) from 9% six ... Read More
Marketing isnt difficult; as long as you know the secrets! Here are some videos to teach you the ropes. Read More
If you have a WordPress blog, you may have experienced comment “spam” from time-to-time. You know which ones I mean… left by a company name, their comment looks generic or irrelevant, and they are just after a link to their website. Read More
For the April 2011 “Content is the Fuel of the Social Web” report, AOL and Nielsen Online analyzed more than 10,000 social media messages to see how consumers share content online. The study found that 93% of internet users turn to email to share content, while 89% use social networks and 82% use b Read More
There is a chain of benefits that will stem from your health club offering off-peak hour gym memberships which makes offering this type of gym membership a brilliant marketing strategy. Read More
Newbie bloggers often underestimate what's required to maintain a regular twice a week or three times a week posting schedule. Sooner or later they'll come up against blog fatigue - there are ways to overcome blog fatigue. This post looks at how to do that. Read More
As I have already told you at my entrepreneur training blog, search engines are considered to be one of the most powerful sources of targeted traffic to a website. Read More

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