The concept of search engine optimization and pay per click advertising is like a boon for small scale business owners who want to give a healthy competition to the big business companies and form a strong bond with the customers. Read More
When you hit a brick wall in your business, you need to break through. Yolanda A. Facio shares 5 tips to work through the middle.
It is all very exciting at the start. You begin by reading all you can, absorbing all the tips and tricks. You take in all the information on what to do and what not to Read More
Having the most expensive and sleek gadget in your hand is of no use if you don’t know how to use the same. Similarly having a site that offers an array of services is going to be of no use if the user can’t make out on how to use your site and get the info he desires. Read More
Message from the new owner of The Friendly Blogger and would like to share why he acquired this blog, why he will be trying my best to keep Lisa around, and what’s his plan with the blog. Read More
Over the past couple of months, I've been beavering away, writing for clients who simply “can't write” themselves. Now, I think everyone can write. It just comes easier to some folks than others. Just like juggling, cycling, running and singing. Some have a flair for it; others not so much. But eve Read More
As a business owner or manager, when someone comes to you with a problem, what's your first reaction? Sit down and tease it out with them? Determine what they are looking for from you? Read More
Guest posting is, without a doubt, one of the effective and powerful ways to generate laser targeted traffic, subscribers, recognition and quality backlinks to your blog. So, what does it really take? Read More
"To Do" Lists - how to take back control, stem the procrastination, get things done. A quick reference to make your to do list more achievable Read More
Thinking that you have a great product or service is a short sighted approach to doing business. That’s why I’m going to talk about products that are solutions and that is the reason why they are so successful. They help people with problems that seem insurmountable or are too time consuming as far Read More
Not long ago a sales person called be with an idea that I thought was interesting. He was pitching a concept, it was a little intriguing but I had to interrupt him, saying, What you are saying is very interesting to me, however this is the issue we face with our customers, here's how we see things, Read More

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