By Rieva Lesonsky This probably isn’t news to you as a small business owner, but the SBA’s Office of Advocacy has published a study showing that the costs of government regulation are disproportionately affecting entrepreneurs. The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms looked at five economic s Read More
Have you ever considered how you could be getting long-term benefit from your marketing expenditure? This asset based marketing case study gives some great ideas on how to achieve it with your newsletter. Read More
Writing has always been an important aspect of business – if you wanted to be noticed within or outside of your organization, you needed to be able to express yourself in a clear and concise manner. And while things have changed, many company executives don’t realize that this advice is as true tod Read More
Everyone can recognize a great manager a mile away, so why is it so hard to find one? We all remember a few that are “legends in their own mind”, but that doesn’t do it. In fact, the clue here is that the view in your mind is the only one that matters, rather than the other way around.

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Hands down, one of the most effective ways to promote your blog these days is through guest blogging. In order to make your guest blogging ventures a success, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Read More
While the holiday season is a great time to showcase and sell your products and services, it is also a time that is highly competitive meaning that your message could easily get lost amidst all the other messages of business promotion and good cheer. The success of any PR campaign is based on three Read More
This post discusses finding your entrepreneurial happy place, doing the activities you love, getting back to your core, and getting rid of your business stress. Read More
Marketing can be expensive for companies. Here is a great way to do some marketing for cheap and getting your word out to the masses. Read More
Targets are often set in business at a high level. Net profitability, revenue targets, sales targets. But it is just as important to set specific targets at a lower level also throughout the organisation. Those smaller individual targets in each area will ensure that the high level revenue and sale Read More
To change from your old domain to new domain always use a 301 redirect that is permanent. Using a 302 redirect that is temporary can hurt your SEO very badly. Read More

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