I had hoped we were beyond the, How do we cope with this economy questions.  However, I recently had the question, What are the biggest challenges vice Read More
This is a superb and cool interview with Alex PAPA.I’ m sure that by the time you finish reading this interview you would pray for me :D .

The first time I met Alex PAPA was when he commented on my blog. His comments were very insightful and it shows that he knows much about what am talking abo Read More
1. Coupons

Coupons area great because they are simple and effective. They get people's attention, and you do not have to be a good salesperson for them to work. There are free coupon makers you can use online to create your design. You can also download software that gives you extra design optio Read More
Many of the investors and entrepreneurs I know still don’t realize that they need to use and understand the Internet, even if their business is not e-commerce. Maybe you have also heard a lot of Internet terms, but are not sure you can explain how, when, and why they are relevant to your business s Read More
Blogging is growing day by day and there are many platforms which allow people to blog without spending a penny. If you are passionate about blogging and want Read More
This is a creative way of looking at the stages of a blogger. It’s very entertaining and every bit of it is true. Which stage are you at right now, how did you get to where you were, and how long did you take? Read More
Here are thoughts from the Small Business Trends team and other noted experts including Richard Branson, Ramon Ray, Todd Youngblood and others about many aspects that go into being and becoming an entrepreneur. We hope you'll visit all the links and give us, as always, your feedback in this latest Read More
The most interactive online business networking club in Georgia is shaking up the business community in a positive way. The mission to connect local business owners together through a hi-tech, social media chamber has garnered National Attention. Read More
There's a shift going on RIGHT NOW and I hope you're aware of it. For the next 5 minutes, I want you to forget about traffic strategies and building backlinks; forget about email subscribers and comments; and forget about whether or not the people you're marketing to will ever buy anything from you Read More
If you are interested in location independent living, you might want to really consider working in the cloud. What is cloudworking, anyway? Read More

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