Organizations the world over are recognizing the benefits of offering career development and coaching to their employees.

It’s a smart move–such organizations measure the results in terms of (1) better employee retention (2) enhanced talent management (3) and higher visibility as “an employer of choice“. Read More
Most young entrepreneurs purges into the deep believing that magic will happen but in all reality it will not. If you have no idea of how to get yourself there, you are in trouble from the start.

Experienced entrepreneurs tell us that execution is key. Having a vision means knowing how you are going to get to the point of success and that is critical. Read More
Do you run your blog alone like me? Have you ever wondered, how are you going to be able to post articles on a timely basis, when you’re disconnected from the Internet for a period of time? One solution that I came across is to schedule blog posts.
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John Jantsch, author of "Duct Tape Marketing" and soon to be released "Referral Engine" shares his insights on how small businesses can use referrals to build their business. Brands such as Zappos and Amazon use referrals to great success and John wants you to be able to do the same. Read More
Something to think about...Almost two years ago, I wrote When Google Owns You, about what happened with Nick Saber was cut off from all his Google applications. It’s worth taking a quick read now. Now, it’s my turn. I woke up this morning Read More
Becky McCray and I are writing a book, with the working title “From Small Town to Small World: Unlocking the Secrets of Rural Entrepreneurs”
Small Town Entrepreneurs have been successful for years creating communities. When the whole world online is becoming more like one big small town, s... Read More
Earth Day 2010. A day to get outside, and enjoy the air. Is there a place you can go to see a body of water? Can you take a half hour to slow down a little, and enjoy the outdoors?... Read More
This post explains how critical it is to have a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business that stands for something. Read More
Interview with Shama Kabani founder of The Marketing Zen Group and author of The Zen Of Social Media Marketing. Shama discusses how to deal with negative reviews and why social media marketing comes last. Read More
Online video marketing is one of the best ways to get targeted website traffic. Discover three internet video advertising that generate video traffic. Read More

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