Step 1: Choose a Domain Name This took more time than we thought, but we got it within 30 minutes. We went to and used that for brainstorming. It's a domain name finding software that works quickly, and shows you quickly (very!) which domain names are taken. We decided on, which was halfway funny, a little irrev Read More
Our customers database with decision maker contacts just finished getting an overhaul with a complete verification check to update and weed out any business contact data which is no longer active. The process which has kept the ActiveContacts data team busy over the last few weeks is finally complete and contact information for a fe Read More
Fed chief warns of lengthy slowdown amid job fears Read More
In this series of blog posts, you will learn, step by step, how to create a successful business-to-business marketing-for-leads program. For an outline of all the steps please see my article “Steps to Implementing a Marketing Plan That Drives New Business.” Read More
It doesn't need to be. Just follow these 7 practical steps to creating a great referral business and in less than six months you'll unlock a majestic mountain of fresh, ready-to-buy or sell leads. Read More
As we are in the cycle of the presidential election, there have been several high profile examples of how search is influencing and playing into the consumption formula for online video. Two specific examples demonstrate how search either reinforces the opportunity big media has in capturing their share of the explosive growth in online video, or Read More
Things in the economy are pretty shaky right now, and the mistakes and misjudgments of the few are causing wide-spread problems for the many. If you're looking to understand the crisis, I can't recommend any better source than the awesome pieces done by NPR and This American Life- The Giant Pool of Money and Another Frightening Show About the Eco Read More
In business, especially internet marketing, your reputation is your life. Your business success literally hangs in the balance of public opinion. Once lost, your reputation as a good web citizen will be hard to reclaim. So please, take this network marketing tip to heart and avoid bookmarking spam (or any spam) so your internet network marketin Read More
Email verification software solutions have been around just as long as the need for email verification was felt and if you are looking for a solution to have your business to business email campaign lists verifed there are several options which may vary in terms of accuracy and effectiveness. Other than the pricing factor for each software have a Read More
1. In Google Webmaster Central, if I change the crawl rate, how soon does that take effect? Will Googlebot obey the new crawl rate immediately? Read More

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