The question, however, always comes up from business owners and traditional marketing strategists about whether social media results can be measured. There is no simple answer to this question. But there are ways to examine your social media strategy to see if it’s working. Lets look at four ways y Read More
Calling customers to follow up after they have complained or made a purchase can provide you with some significant benefits. Yet what questions belong on your phone survey, and what is the best way to conduct it? Read More
How to identify your ideal customer for getting more clients. Getting more clients is the lifeblood of any business. Read More
Are you at the mercy of your to-do list most of the time?
Does it leave you feeling as though there’s no end in sight?
If you feel that you are nearing the point of no return mentally, emotionally or physically then it’s definitely time to turn the tables and take back control of your life.

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Your video scripts are giving viewers a strong message, but is it the right one? Here's what they SHOULD be saying! Read More
One of the biggest challenges of being a work at home mom, is finding new ways to entertain the kids, while you get try and get some work done. But many times we end up relying on technology to entertain our kids for us.
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This is a brand new tool that is able to help you figure out every ad on your site, even from ad networks, what your competitors are using and who is a new advertiser for your competitors as well as every page, network and place your competition is buying ads. You can even see all of their banners Read More
When learning to recognize and avoid work at home scams, one of the main things to consider is where you saw the job advertised. Scams centered around home based jobs are most often advertised in newspaper classified ads columns, sent by instant message or emails which appear to be from the company Read More
Interaction design is a relatively new industry that focuses on enhancing and improving human-technology interactions. Read More
SEO is always such a large job to handle. It is really complicated and has its web tangled up in its own right. Read More

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