5 Steps to writing a great sales letter: Grab Attention, Create Interest, Create Desire and Give Details, Instruct How To Take Action. This is copy writing for busy person. Step step instructions on how to write great sales letters. Read More
To try to get funds to grow your business, should you just bootstrap when starting a business, or should you look at other options? This post explores a small business' options when it comes to financing. Read More
I want to share the new Facebook Training and how to change your Facebook profile page now facebook have updated your Facebook profile page again Read More
It’s a common misconception that social media marketing is only for consumer-based companies. When most people think of social media marketing, they usually think of using Facebook or Twitter to converse with customers and promote their products.
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Are you looking for cash or working capital to grow your small business? Then you should know about a temporary Small Business Administration (SBA) program that could help. As part of the Small Business Jobs Act passed in 2010, the SBA started a temporary program enabling small businesses to refina Read More
As a small business owner, I spend most of my time working on my business in the hopes of making profits. I have spent almost no time thinking about what I would do when my business finally turned a profit. If you are like me, here are some ideas to help you spend your profits wisely. Read More
When it comes to monetization, many blogs tend to stick to an advertising based business model. This is fine for many blogs because it is a tried and tested form of monetization that can generate a decent amount of revenue. Read More
There are tips all over the web on how to move up the rungs of Google’s search ladder. There are many ways, since the beginning of time – EVEN PREDATING THE INTERNET – to become and remain noticed. Here are 5 of them. Read More
The premiere of The Dark Knight Rises has had media outlets across the country asking for interviews with our client, the film’s executive producer. Read More
As more and more Americans battle with layoffs and a challenging economic environment, it is not uncommon to see a larger number of people going into business for themselves. Read More

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