All I really needed to know about content marketing, I learned in kindergarten – specifically during story time. Whether it’s a fairy tale or a fable, a parable or a poem, the structure tends to follow a certain pattern. Read More
Digital media has greatly impacted my job, most notably in deadline expectations. Covering crime and justice, where there’s a lot of breaking news — a murder happens downtown, an important trial — the expectation for quite some time is that we file stories in progress. Read More
Customers are always evaluating sales people---they are checking to see it they perform, if their words match their actions, are they people they should to business with, what separates them from all others. Consequently, everything we do counts--there are no mulligans or do overs. Read More
I’ve been online for quite a time now, and in my wandering on the internet I’ve came across many blogs that claim to teach you how to make money, how to do this and the other, but one thing amazes me, and that is the fact that a large number of those bloggers don’t even make a dime from their blogs Read More
Small business owners are an odd lot. I can say this without judgment because I am one. Many times I find that they miss the subtleties of attracting small business even though they need look no further than their own buying habits for keys to the sale. Read More
Having an information systems degree is fine, but with technology’s rapid change, it’s not enough to ensure your career competitiveness. It’s vital to keep pace not only with new technology developments, but corporate IT trends. Read More
This is an example of "Yelp Extortion" and why small businesses should not freak out over bad reviews. It's the aggregate that matters. Read More
Content marketing and link building are both essential parts of a good SEO strategy but when it comes to measuring the value of each content marketing takes the prize. Read More
Find out what adding images to your blog posts can do for you as a blogger plus four solid reasons to use them! Read More
Yes, the US economy may be in a terrible state right now, however in no way should you take that as a reason to stop reaching for the stars when it comes to your business endeavors. It's true; you can fulfill your dreams of spending more time with your family, travel more often and be financial ind Read More

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