Embrace your inner couch potato and download Viggle: the new app that rewards you for checking in and watching your favorite television programs. Read More
After founding two companies of my own and surviving an entire summer in Silicon Valley on only $250, I’m familiar with the ins and outs of stretching a dollar. Arriving at smart decisions, making sacrifices, and putting yourself out there are the essentials of becoming a success on a small budget. Read More
If you’ve been convinced that your brand should be blogging, your next obstacle is continually coming up with topics that your readers are interested in. It can be a challenge, coming up with two to three interesting topics a week. Here are some strategies to keep your blog flowing with great infor Read More
You’ve heard of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” system of productivity? We’ve decided to share with you the black sheep of the GTD family: How Not To Get Things Done. It’s all about distractions, and learning to focus.   Read More
I just finished reading The Welcomer Edge by Richard Shapiro, and I got a lot out of it about customer service. We’ve all come to expect our experiences with call center reps, cashiers and customer service agents to be bad, based on the fact that many of them are. But think back to one or more time Read More
Yelp. Angie’s List. BizSugar. Digg. Amazon.

We now live in a world where anyone, regardless of location, education or age can tell others—perfect strangers even—what they think about products, services and content.

It’s truly a user generated era. Read More
Social networks are a great source of visibility on the Internet. If you optimize your social media accounts, they can greatly help in increasing visibility Read More
The PR verdict: “C” for team Romney, which is doing its best to keep Trump at a polite distance. More of the cold shoulder might bring the Donald into line. Read More
If you follow social media best practices you'll have more social media success than if you don't. Check out these simple tips to help make your Twitter account, content, fan engagement and general social media presence on Twitter a step above the rest. Read More
Unassigned workspace is a rapidly growing concept in which employees don’t have permanent offices, workstations or even desks, but simply come in to work and sit wherever space is available. Also called hoteling or nonterritorial space, the concept saves you on construction, office furnishings and Read More

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