The first step to getting a business loan is doing your research to decide if you really need one. Those passionate about starting a business should not worry about the fact that they don’t have money. There are small business loans that they can apply for to get them started. Read More
The majority of websites on the web is run by traffic. My site is being visited by traffic and other types of traffic through social media, linking, and so on.. Read More
One of the biggest challenges of being a small business owner is keeping the financial side of the house organized. Here are 5 simple things you – as a small business owner – can do to help keep your finances in order. Read More
Have you been struggling to make all of your online applications work together? Are tasks like synchronizing posts, sharing data, and managing all the content coming in starting to overwhelm you? Ifttt is a new web service that helps you automate social media tasks by setting rules and combining yo Read More
By Tim Berry. Almost every business in the world is either participating in social media, thinking about participating, or explaining to itself why not. And it’s time to relate that back to your basic business planning. Where does social media fit in your business plan?

The question is Read More
There are many supposed ways to increase the Alexa Rank of your website. Here are the real ways to raise your Alexa Ranking and boost your page's success!
Read More
Geographic information systems have become an important tool not only for those with a GIS degree, but everyone with a business degree. Read More
As many have learned in working toward a information technology degrees, one of the classic problems in business has been operational silos. Different parts of companies become virtually autonomous, focusing on their own operations and mandates and making it difficult for executives to coordinate a Read More
Would it surprise you to know that the quality of your credit card processing system could be the deciding factor in whether or not customers visit your business again?

It's true.

Choosing the right credit card processor with unique features that best meets the needs of your specific customer Read More
Before you jump into your new small business start-up, you should grasp the basics. Here are five books to get you set for success at your small business. Read More

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