If you're being asked to do more work, it makes sense to ask for more money. But when do you start raising the price? Read More
Should you spend upwards of hundreds or even thousands of dollars on resume writers, recruiters, career counselors, or subscription job boards to give yourself a competitive edge? Read More
As an entrepreneur or general manager you impact the employee motivation and commitment in your company – but in ways other than what you may think... Read More
It takes great time and effort to make a business successful and the same can be said for marriage. Often, small business owners can spend too much time working on their business and not enough time working on their marriage! Here are some tips on how to manage a business and a marriage. Read More
Inklyo Ltd., CIK Marketing’s parent company, is hiring! We’re looking for top notch freelance graphic designers and writers who are looking to supplement their income with ongoing telecommute work. Read More
As a blogger, your biggest goal is to reach a large audience and increase your number of readers. The only way that you're going to accomplish this is by Read More
Fearing the word no in business can actually mean stunted growth and fewer opportunities. Sometimes, it is actually ok to tell your customers no. In fact, some of the biggest brands are doing it already. Read more to see who. Read More
Making money from any business you start is going to require 1 major thing.... you have to gain trust from your potential customers. They have to trust.... Read More
This is a great post with examples of how you can use local events to get cheap advertising that can drive traffic and sales. Read More
Mobilizing individuals with social influence around your brand can be a powerful and cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience. Read More

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