This weekend, I roasted a lamb in my backyard. I bought a keg. I invited a ton of friends — and told them to bring their friends, too. It was an epic-level shindig. We’re not precisely sure how many people wandered through over the course of the day, but we think attendance hit at least fifty. I do Read More
Being able to hold a meeting when the attendees are scattered all over the globe has changed the face of business. You can take on international clients or choose manufacturers in other countries with relative ease. You don’t even need to calculate the long-distance charges anymore: with cloud-base Read More
how to succeed at networking events: research, approach the right people, prepare your conversation points, make your ask and follow up. Read More
Below are some useful quotes for Puzzle Marketers who are looking to put all the marketing pieces together. Whether you’re a blogger, a small business entrepreneur, or a corporate CMO, you’ll find some value in these articles by some smart people. Read More
Unlike an informational or lead generation business website, an e-commerce website can have thousands and thousands of pages. Product inventory is typically always changing and a product that may have been available yesterday, is no longer available today. What makes this situation tough from an e- Read More
This new design and direction for Money Dummy Blog has been a long time coming, about 1.5 years. The blog needed a new design, a cleaner, more focused and professional looking design... Read More
When you develop a digital strategy, how you gather and present your digital plan is as important as the plan itself. Here are 6 tips to avoid the pitfalls. Read More
If you compare two years worth of your site’s analytics back-to-back, do you notice a trend emerging in certain months? Even if your overall visitor count has been trending upwards for the past two years, are there a few months where your traffic dips down and then comes back up 2-3 months later? I Read More
It’s important that site owners keep an eye on various items during their SEO campaign. You need to know how well your keywords are performing (how much traffic are they driving?), what visitors are doing once they arrive on your, how well is traffic converting and so forth. These SEO items will he Read More
It's been quite an ordeal to find a webcam that works well with my Mac setup, but I've found my match in the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910. Read More

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