In this opportunity, we are reviewing the latest version of online CRM app Maximizer: the interface, integration, and new feature changes are easier to use and make a greater experience Read More
Think about how much time you invest in creating relationships. How many hours do you spend on the phone, in-person, answering emails and text messages and so forth—whether they are personal or business relationships, connecting with people takes time and effort. Creating social media relationships Read More
When it comes to social media marketing, it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees. We get so hung up on the daily numbers (how many times this piece of content is shared, how many people Liked our Facebook page, how many reTweets this link got), that we lost sight of the bigger picture. I’ve hear Read More
Way back in the early days of the Internet the search engines considered all of the meta information of a website as part of the ranking algorithm. As time went on, the search engines began paying more attention to the actual website content. Today, the meta description may not be a ranking factor Read More
Thinking of building or redesigning a website? Make sure and read this tips to make the best possible choice. 8 Tips for hiring a web designer. Read More
By Caron Beesley. Looking to hire an intern this summer? Internship programs are a smart recruitment strategy for small businesses, allowing you to nurture and feed your full-time hiring efforts. Here are six tips to help guide you through the process of setting up an internship program, and inform Read More
FaceBook with its massive users base is probably one of the most effective means to build relationships, generate traffic, leads and ultimately conversions. You just have to know what you are doing. Read More
Bluehost review. Pretty good hosting solution for individual or small business owners, with a small budget. Read More
Ready to get a mobile-friendly site? Build one in minutes with an easy-to-use site builder tool. Recommended if your site is not (yet) mobile friendly. Read More
This article discusses the steps needed to recover from Google SEO penalties and start re-appearing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). The good news is that it can be done. The bad news is that it takes time, effort, and if you've learned your lesson and are going to hire a decent SEO part Read More

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