BradenM commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Hitler Finds Out About Blogging [VIDEO]
"Kaedus, The problem of your argument that we are ignorant people and you would expect more from the people who frequent this website is that the people who frequent this website come here for business information, not the type of crap that your friend posted. The video is not about technology. I repeat, NOTHING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY! If a video about technology was the point why choose Hitler. Make a video tutorial about how to dub or use Mr. Ed! And do you think that we take ourselves too seriously? I have many curse words in mind but believe me I am holding back! Braden"A Lesson On Business Chivalry from the Skies of the First World War...Over the Western Front
"Yoni, Did you ever see the movie Enemy Mine with Louis Gosset. It is kind of corny, but they start out trying to kill each other and eventually respect each other and become friends. Louis Gosset actually has a baby before he dies that the other guy helps deliver and adopts. Men on his planet have the kids. It is really corny but shows the respect between enemies. Braden "The Business Hall-of-Greed: What to Do with That Damn Billion Dollars in My Pocket?
"Great piece of social commentary. I saw some images on google of inside of the home. It is ridiculous. How can someone bathe in a 24 carat gold bath knowing that most of the people in India live in poverty. It's pretty pathetic. Braden"How to SABOTAGE Your Business Blog Article with a Bad Title in 4 Easy Steps!
"Yonatan, your titles are sometimes crazy and a bit outlandish. As Shosh says, they say READ ME! I think the creativity you inject is one of the reaons I am an avid reader and one of the reasons why you have so many fans! I remember one in particular that your I Phone is going to murder you. How could you not click on something like that? Braden"Business History and Ethics: The Fatal Ford Pinto and Why It's Crucial to Test Your Product Before Selling It!
"Yoni, Great history lesson made even greater since it was before my time. It is a stark example of the lengths that a business needs to go to in order to make sure they are delivering the best and safest product to the customer. Braden"Business History and Ethics: The Fatal Ford Pinto and Why It's Crucial to Test Your Product Before Selling It!
"Good point Duncan. As you can see by my avatar I love planes. I read once how a small airline substituted real parts for fakes to save money. They found out after one of the planes crashed and many died. Braden"Subscribe
Social Media Sites: Accountability, Elections and a Voice to the People: The Case of BizSugar
"Of course it's not about religion and it doesn't glorify hitler. We have all agreed on that. It just has nothing to do with business. Nothing at all. It has made people feel pain and hurt and mistrust. And a lot of people have lost faith in this place. I agree that it is time to shake things up to get a new perspective and new energy. And to make a list of what is acceptable. Braden"