JackieP commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Sometimes What You THINK Just Doesn’t Matter
"Hi Alastair, Great Post Just as important as trying new things is not to lock yourself in to one way only. Too many people think that they can hang their businss on the whole Social media thing. Dangerous. Listening Posts, that's all they are. A way to keep your finger on the pulse and use the feedback to improve your business. Jackie "A "Scavenging," Carcass-Filled BUSINESS Lesson from Nature's Vacuum Cleaner: The VULTURE!
"Hadn't thought of being proactive and seeking out opportunities as being "vulturistic" (I know..not a real word but I kinda like the sound of it). Great analogy Yoni, heres to embracing our inner vulture...works for me! Jackie"Subscribe
What Would You Do Differently?
"Ahh thanks Yoni, really appreciate you comments. Life is good indeed!"