SusanBrown commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Inauthenticity – Social Media’s Dirty Little Secret
"Great find, Valentine. There are some very important points there, but the best part of the article comes at the very end: "As more of these stories are uncovered, consumers will become more cynical and rely less on the social proof created by reviews, paid endorsements, and perceived “influential” social celebrities. More emphasis will be placed on the reviews, comments, and recommendations of those in the customer’s personal, trusted circles. This is one of the reasons that Google Search Plus Your World, which prioritizes the content created, shared, and promoted by a person’s personal social graph, has become so important to the practice of SEO and influence marketing." Many people, business owners in particular, are missing this point, and ironically it's fueling the very inauthenticity that has become so widespread. "5 Ways to Make a Boring Business Brand Interesting- Growing Your Biz
"Hi Bizrock, I like how you put it: creating an "aura" around your brand is important. But, that aura can come from many different things that your business does and is. The most important thing to remember is to be in touch with want kind of brand aura you want to project and then make sure that this is actually getting through to your customers. "Is Your Communication Hitting Right Spot? M4B Marketing
"Asking your customers for feedback is a great idea. The problem is that many of them may not respond. Another idea is to simply test things out. Look at the engagement rates and subscribe/unsubscribe rates as you vary things like timing, content type, medium, etc."20 Things To Know About Google+
"Great reminders... I keep hearing people compare G+ to FB, when the reality is they are targeting two very different needs. They are both social media platforms, but that is where the similarities end. G+ is great for work, while FB is suited for recording "life". I think also that people are underestimating the place G+ will eventually have in the way Google users create, consume, and distribute content. It goes way beyond a social media platform."Time Wasting Activities Preventing You From Being Productive Online
"I definitely can relate to this list :) I think the key to focusing, and the theme that ran throughout the whole post, is making an effort to actively remove the distractions. The funny thing is that it's not so much the youtube videos or analytics stats that are the problem, but more that we can get addicted to being distracted, and we have to relearn how to focus our minds and energy."16 Alternatives to Paypal for Online Payments and Money Transfers
"Hi Tcamba, The real answer is that it really depends on what you are looking for. I've personally had good experiences with Click2sell and Clickbank. These are really good platforms for selling digital products. For freelancers and contractors looking to get paid without needing a Paypal account and without inconveniencing clients, I would look into Dwolla. I haven't personally used this platform, but it definitely has the most promising setup. The only real problem is that it's only for people in the U.S."Subscribe
Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs Who Don't Like to Network- Growing Your Biz
"Hi Reginald, Thanks :) And, yes, follow up is extremely important. It's funny because usually starting things up from scratch, that first approach, is the hard part. Follow up is the "easy" part, and it's the one that makes the most impact."