UPmarketArt commented on the following stories on BizSugar
10 Answers That Make Your Startup Plan Investable
"Great article! " How big is the funding request, and how much equity will you give? Since investors are buying a part of your company (not your product), this is the most important question, and is one often not answered." Yes, absolutely. If anything, this idea deserves several articles by itself. I'm not sure why it's so difficult for many startup founders to understand this at a fundamental level. Thanks for sharing!"Technology Isn\'t Harming Advertising, It\'s Making It Better Than Ever
"Agreed. Different technologies are just different tools in the box. I work in printing and can tell you that even though it's an old discipline the different uses for printing only increased thanks to new technology, even while the overall volume of printing has dropped since the 90's. The key is to think laterally -- which sadly almost none of us do when it counts. Myself included."Churn Rate Optimization: How to Reduce Customer Loss
"Hi Erik! It's interesting that you brought up churn rate reduction. I work in the print industry -- one that has long been thought to be in its death throes -- and surprising for some people (not to us), tangible print products like catalogs have proven to be great at greatly reducing churn rates. Customers feel more connected when you give them something they can actually hold, feel, or smell. The way our customers use print products has mostly shifted from top of the funnel back in the 90's to middle and bottom of the funnel today. "Passion is Overrated. What You Really Need Is Discipline
"Sorry for the late reply! Ideally, you need both. But as in the article, it's really a matter of understanding how passion is a fickle, and unreliable thing. Passion helps, and is necessary for taking things to a different level, but it's not sustainable. There is not a single lasting success story where discipline and self-control did not come into play. We just love hearing about passion a lot more, precisely because we are emotionally moved by it. Thanks for reading! :)"So you want to launch a website? Basic tips for the barely web-literate.
"Hi Heather! Great questions! We decided to gear the piece towards people who'd like to try creating a site themselves. The scope of web design is huge and we had to spend a bit of time figuring out what would likely work for newbies who were actually interested in how creating one works. For most intents and purposes we felt that a custom website isn't practical for most small businesses, considering that these days, platforms such as WordPress offer most of the functionality the vast majority of us will ever need. The more popular off-the-shelf options also usually have an active community of users, making it far simpler to find solutions to nearly any issue and administrators able to get a handle of the site should it be turned over. A custom solution can work better, but they also tend to be easier to mess up and harder to fix. Most of the effort in building a site, in my opinion anyway, should be spent creating useful, shareable content -- not managing it. If the custom solution makes it possible, I'm all for it! We also felt that it might go without saying that most of us would be far better off hiring a good web designer. But in any case it's up to us to give the designer direction and context, and it's difficult to do this if we don't know what's happening under the hood. Thanks for reading! :D"You'll Never Guess How Much These 15 Logos and Trademarks Cost
"Hi Heather, Yeah, it was tough looking for logos/trademarks that hadn't had their costs quoted in other places before. I suppose few companies would readily disclose how much they paid their designs. In any case, I feel the costs are justified or at least understandable in most of the cases the group paid a bundle for their designs. What a lot of laypersons fail to understand is that logos and trademarks don't - or at least shouldn't - exist in a vacuum, and when a whole new identity is created as part of a rebrand, it can be impossible to pin down the true cost of a design against every other part of the marketing plan. Thanks for reading Heather! "Subscribe
What Place Does Social Media Play in your 2016 Marketing Plan?
"Hi Ivan! Good read! How would you synergize social media with "real-world" marketing? I work in the print industry, so I'd love to hear your ideas on this. Cheers!"