Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Google’s Dynamic Keyword Insertion Exposed – PPC Tactic
"Hi! I didn't mean You were a bot - I was referring to the tool - it inserts keywords automatically. I've seen literally 100's of spams that repeat the keyword as many times as will fit into the box - that's what I was referring to. businessavante"10 Must-read Copywriting and Online Marketing Blog Posts From 2010
"As for #1, when producing, writing & starring in Seinfield, Jerry instructed the writers not even to make working titles for the shows - he knew they'd spend a whole day on the title, given the chance. It was a last minute thing there (because the shows weren't titled on-air). businessavante"Finding solutions through analytical thinking - by Georgios Gkoutzouvalos - Helium
"Interesting syllogism, but it seems that if you take it to the n-th degree, you can never be sure you're really seeing the whole picture - the forest through the trees (which is taking way past its practical usefulness). businessavante"Subscribe
How Much Is Your Facebook Stardom Worth?
"Lots of great points! What I don't understand in the case of Pepsi (an example given) is that everyone's already heard of it. You either like it or you don't. How does seeing it in FaceBook change something like that - i.e. what are they looking for when brand awareness is already saturated - being "liked" on FaceBook, why? businessavante"