M4bmarketing commented on the following stories on BizSugar
New Twitter design – a video tour
"Thanks for doing the video Martina. Although I use Tweetdeck I do miss seeing the lists for people I may want to follow or follow back. I think they add something for example of someone has a lot of followers but in comparison are not in many relevant lists it tells me something about the person. Susan"It's Time to Ditch StumbleUpon for Pinterest
"I agree with David it has a role to play. It is the flavour at the moment because it is new and people are talking about it. The problem is like all new tools or sites some jump in without thinking whether it is going to be of benefit for their business. Susan"Why After Three Years I Dropped Mailchimp as My Newsletter Service for Aweber
"Good post Ryan. When I started my newsletter I looked at both. As you pointed out in your article Aweber gives flexibility with the sign up forms and that was one of the main reasons I went with them. The other reason is Aweber never fails in my experience with delivering emails at the right time. The final point is after you reach a certain level of subscribers the prices are just about the same. Susan"4 B2B Content Marketing Ideas From A TV Cooking Show
"Great article and really good examples we can learn from. One other thing about cooking shows is the ones that often stand out focus on a speciality such as DC Cupcakes or Rick Stein and seafood which makes it easier to have focused content. Susan"Subscribe
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"Hi Heather, Totally agree as they leave hints everywhere if we keep our ears and minds open. Susan"