Ronika commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Lessons on Building a Business Portfolio and Expertise from 18th Century Corpse-Stealing Physicians and Anatomists!
"It's absolutely amazing to see how far we've come in terms of medical technology. At a time, where I imagine there were serious consequences for heresy, people like John Hunter are great heroes. The inclination to takes these types of risk also contribute to being a successful businessperson. Thanks for another great article and history lesson, Yoni."The No-Reason-to-Take-a-Day-Off-of-Work Reason to Take a Day Off of Work (Approved by Sigmund Freud!)
"Most freelancers/business owners that I know have a really hard time taking any time off. At a certain point you don't realize how exhausted you actually are, which can have serious consequences . I try to make it point to not work at all on Saturdays unless it is absolutely urgent. I also try not to schedule work for Friday, but that can be a little more difficult to maintain. Your picnic lunch sounds really nice!"The Parable of the Toy Soldier: How a Small Gaming Business Became a Victim of their Own Success.
"This was brought to my attention by my boyfriend, who is a big fan of their product. I had to piece together what happened from a variety of sources (message boards, website, facebook) etc. We contacted the previous owner-managers for some clarity, but due to legal complexities they were unable to comment. Their predicament is an extreme example of consequences that can arise from what appears to be a lack of experience, a situation that many small busineess owners find themselves facing. It is very sad as it seems like they had a great product and community. Good point about the increased desirability of the product - it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Thank you, Yoni. Your comments are greatly appreciated!"The Parable of the Toy Soldier: How a Small Gaming Business Became a Victim of their Own Success.
"Thank you, Shawn. These guys are(were) actually lower cost competitors to a another company (Games Workshop) that has slowly been doing exactly what you described - sacrificing innovation and quality in an effort to improve their bottom line. "What Does The New Facebook Pages Upgrade Mean For Businesses?
"Thanks - this is very helpful info for anyone with a business page. The new format definitely allows for greater separation between your personal profile and business page. I also love that I have a feed from all my previously "favourite" pages. My one complaint so far is that I still can't seem to "share" a page directly to my business wall (unless I'm not doing something correctly); it seems I have to use my personal profile to do this. "Subscribe
It's Bad Business to Let the Killer Get Away With It: The Sam Spade Guide to Better Business
":) Sam Spade, as envisioned by the writer, was supposed to be tall and blonde, but apparently Bogart was so convincing that he got the part."