Ronika commented on the following stories on BizSugar
5 Ways to Be More Like Howard Stern
"When I first heard Howard Stern, I thought he was interesting, but ultimately insubstantial. However more recently I have found him to be thought provoking, I generally agree with his opinions and find him to be an excellent interviewer. I think he has matured, and although he continues to thrive on controversy, there is a lot more to him than that."Creating Your Own Brand Network Like Oprah Winfrey
"I too have never been a huge fan of Oprah (preferring Ellen as well) although I do have a great deal of respect for her accomplishments. I thought this was a pretty cool post (by Lisa Barone at Outspoken Media), so I thought I would share. Thanks, Yoni!"From Me, a Jew: To Global Christians & BUSINESSES: Stop Walking on Eggshells and Start Calling it Christmas!
"As a non christian myself, I completely agree with you, Yoni. Christmas makes an otherwise dismal time of year a lot nicer. I love the trees and the lights and although I understand people are sensitive about their beliefs, it seems that a lot of this PC stuff has been blown way out of proportion. "How to Forge a Successful Partnership
"I totally agree, Yoni. There are so many similarities between a marriage and a great partnership. You constantly have to strive to make it grow, be ready to compromise and have lots of patience. These are some of the ingredients of a great partnership. (It's funny that Wilbur and Orville Wright never even married. I guess their partnership was enough) I understand what you mean about remaining solo as I suppose writing is more often a solitary pursuit. Thank you so much, Yoni. "Subscribe
24 Cost Effective Ways to Promote Your Small Business
"Thank you so much, Yoni! My cat was simultaneously thrilled and confused that I was spending so much time at home. So glad that we're not stuck eating soup :) "