Saraib820 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Bin Laden News - How Some are REALLY Feeling
"I've been holding off commenting on this one. Although I'm pleased as heck that he's dead, how awesome it would have been to have him captured alive. I realize that if doing so would have put one of the Americans in danger it wasn't worth it. Maybe a taser would have helped? Anyway, it seems like it's bringing much pride to America, and in a business sense, it will probably give some boost to the economy. Rivkah"Business and Blogging Satire: The New Blog Commenting App Hits the Market!!!
"I agree that it may seem insane on the surface but it is poking fun at those who keep writing those articles. I think commenting is great for giving feedback and showing interest. When it becomes a way of trying to get as most out of it as you can and leaving a 100 comment saying GREAT JOB! it becomes ridiculous. I love this article, but again, I am biased! Rivkah"Bad Leader in Action: Five Ways to Make Followers Hate You
"Bad leaders can be found anywhere, even in Social Media. I don't think that bad leaders necessarily start out with the intention of being bad, maybe it is a certain disconnect that they have from their followers. I especially think that these two are most relevant: 1) "Don't bother with the emotions of followers. It's also called don't deal effectively with an issue that causes controversy and pain and just hope it goes away." 2) "Here's a bonus tip. Make frequent changes to your instructions. Your followers need to learn how to make changes every now and then because of the uncertainty..." When things go wrong it is time to quickly address that situation and takes steps to ensure that it doesn't happen again and that those who have been disenfranchised are given satisfaction. It can be changes in rules and regulations and a stated code of conduct for respect. A not-so veiled reference to the Hitler post...when things go awry in a community people expect the leader/leaders to step up to the plate and address the issue at hand. When it doesn't happen, a community can become fragmented and worse, fall apart at the seams. Rivkah "Construction finally understands the truth about Social Media marketing
"Peter, I too am very impressed by your work. It would seem that blogging about construction might not be the easiest subject, but with wit, insight, and humor you have done a very impressive job! The entire industry could and should learn a valuable lesson from you! Rivkah"Subscribe
From Club DJ to "Press Hop" to Viral Video King - with DJ Steve Porter
"Torrey, Yoni and I mostly have Elvis music playing in our home. We are growing old in our early forties. Your blog will definitely give us some great entrepreneurial ideas. Maybe it will also give us some information on becoming more hip! Rivkah"