Skraf commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Making the Case for Relationship Marketing
"Interesting post. One way I often illustrate the importance of relationship marketing to my customers is by directing their attention to vendors in an open market. In my country, successful vendors in the market show a genuine interesting in helping their customers solve their challenges through the use of their product or service. This type of relationship marketing is priceless. It is what I try to teach my clients."5 Strategies to Attract and Retain Customers
"Interesting post. One strategy I find that works best for small business owners is showing a genuine interest in their customers. Once your customers realise that you are genuinely interested in helping them solve their problems (through your product or service), you will retain them."4 Link Building Strategies that Still Work in 2019
"IMHO the best link building strategy is Brian Dean's Skyscraper strategy. However, there's already a tonne of excellent content on the internet that it's getting increasingly harder to improve on what's already existing on the internet. Creating 'great content' is something else these days."What Tasks in Your Small Business Can Be Outsourced?
"Nice post. I particularly appreciate the point you made about business owners not having sufficient time and capital for marketing; therefore, the need to outsource this. Also, since some business owners do not have the skill needed to develop a proper website, this is also a valid reason for outsourcing. Great post. Thanks a lot."How to Lower Your Bounce Rate And Increase Your Rankings?
"Interesting post. All five points are valid and useful for reducing bounce rates and increasing rankings. Thanks for sharing. However, there's one more point that I believe you missed out — changing permalinks! Previously my permalinks used to have dates in them. But as soon as I removed it, my bounce rate reduced drastically, and my rankings increased. That single action did wonders for me. Hope others find it of value too."How to Lower Your Bounce Rate And Increase Your Rankings?
"Lyceum: I believe it all boils down to the love for fresh content. If visitors notice your content is old, they bounce. If Google sees your content is old, you don't get good rankings. I got this tip from one of Neil Patel's videos. I tried to find you the URL but unfortunately, I can't. That's what caused my delay in responding. He said when he removed the dates in his URL, his bounce rates reduced. I tried it, and it works for me too."5 Marketing Tips for Small Businesses Success in 2019
"Interesting post. Concerning SEO, content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. So once business owners are producing excellent content on their website, blog, or social media channels (with consistency), this will go a long way in boosting their rankings on the search engines."Subscribe
Ready or not, here comes the new Twitter
"Interesting to note all the new changes that are coming to Twitter. The unique thing about Twitter is that while other networks focus on users remaining on the platform, Twitter users need to leave the site to see most content shared. Though we share links on Twitter daily, the reality is that the number of clicks on those links minimal. "