Smallbiztrends commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The Entire Marketing Solution
"Maria, your post raises an interesting question about *how* to find the entire solution. It reminds me of a presentation I saw by Roy Dunbar, the former CEO of Networks Solutions, who showed a picture of a car saying "this is what the customer wants" and then showed another picture of a disassembled car (just pieces and parts) saying "this is what the industry gives them." And it's so true. It's a challenge to find someone to help you with it all, and to make sure everything works together."From Dec. 21-25, fully 44% of the news links in blogs were about health care
"Shashi, This is really interesting -- thanks for sharing it. But I'm having a hard time believing Pew's statistics. I'm not sure which blogs they're looking at (media blogs maybe?). But it sure wasn't the hot topic on most of the blogs I frequent. And Pew's article is written in such a way that they're obviously in favor of the healthcare reform bill. Normally I place high credibility on what Pew says, but here, I dunno know... sounds to me like they're pushing an agenda. "Top 10 States for Small Biz - How Does Your State Rank?
"Hi Martin, regarding Ohio's position: the current governor, who is a Democrat, is a pleasant surprise as he is much more fiscally responsible than the previous governor (a Republican) who just spent, spent, spent. The previous governor took the phrase "spend like a drunken sailor" to new extremes, unfortunately. What a disappointment he was! He let his people down. I guess it just goes to show that "tax and spend" doesn't always describe Democrats. There's a danger in over-generalizing. But aside from a surprise like Ohio, I actually wasn't surprised by most of the rankings. Most of the time generalizations are deserved. - Anita "Click Through Rate And ROI Has NO Relationship
"I left a comment over at the Penn Olson site about why I think display ads should be used for brand awareness, not direct response. This data proves it. You shouldn't measure the effectiveness based on whether someone clicks through right at that moment. Rather, they may see the ad and remember your business later. And buy later. - Anita"Subscribe
Cups4Cancer: Where the size of donation matters. Social cancer fund raising campaigns
"Shashi, you have a way of creating the most "provocative" posts here!"