Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Freelancers Cost Your Employer Less Than You Do
"I'm a freelancer and LOVE earning less!!!! Why? I work when I want. I spend my lunch break walking with my dog in the hills. No grumpy boss. No traffic jams. No workplace politics. You could not convince me to go back to the traditional workplace if you TRIPLED my salary!! Ah...the joys of independence ;)"Sales Tip A Day: 5 Tips for Leaving a Message on a Cold Call
"Chris H.: Even though I'm not in sales (thank Heavens) this seems like really great advice for anyone who is. I say thank Heavens because I am not a very persuasive person and probably would not be very good at it! If I was, I would value this advice. Great article!"9 Advantages of Keeping Up To Date With Your Customers
"Susan, Another GREAT post RICH with FABULOUS information! Well, I came to BizSugar because I am a simple writer without a lot of biz knowledge. I came here to learn and you are ceratinly proving to be one of the most VALUABLE sources of great wisdom! Keeping in touch with clients is definitely critical. There is a mentality in the writing industry (at leats as far as I have seen) that clients are one-shot deals. A resume. Website wording. A corporate bio perhaps. But why not try to have return customers I ask. And what about referrals. As you stated, there are great ways to make it happen and communication is the key, especially I believe, deepening the relationship. It's about showing that you care, that you are conscientious enough to follow up etc. I also really like the part about not taking what they say too literally!"The First Year of My Small Freelancing Business: Mistakes, Corrections, and the Path Forward!
"Thanks Susan! Martin made it possible with his insight and his GREAT idea about the "Blogiversary." I must admit, I have never until now taken pause to look back and see how far I have come. It is an exercise which can be quite invigorating, refreshing, liberating and can make you see that things you might have taken for granted are really hurdles and challenges which have been overcome! Thanks and have a wonderful day!!!"Subscribe
"Green" Jobs for Returning Military Veterans: What a Great Idea! Webite & Great Video
"Devon, David and Ben, Thanks to all of you who were touched by the subject of this very worthy project!"