FrederiqueMurphy submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In this article, I focus on a specific mind filter you are using every day and help you optimise it (even if you did not know about it!), so that it works for you. By fully leveraging this brain insight today, you will directly boost your leadership tomorrow, by improving your daily activities, fro Read More
In this article, I share with you one of your brain quirks, and go through what it is, why you should pay attention to it and leverage it, and how you can turn it to your advantage to boost your success in life, career, or business! Read More
In this article, you’ll learn the importance of paying attention to your language to prevent self-sabotage. Find out if you are using any of these words, so that you can stop hurting yourself and your success! Read More
In this article, you’ll discover an inspiring and proven, yet different way, to approach and build success. Follow this 3-step process, 1 tactic per step, to implement this mindset success strategy that has worked SO well for Walt, and now it’s your turn! Read More
To kick-start this year in-style, I’d like to feature the mindset shifts and strategies that our readers have found the most valuable in 2013. Within this article, you will find our 2013 Top 10, a terrific way to either refresh your memory or discover a wide range of mindset shifts, AND apply the s Read More
In this article, you’ll understand that sometimes the reason why you are falling short of a goal is because deep down you do not want to actually achieve it. And, will learn a 4-step process to shift things around to finally make progress on a goal you’ve been wanting to reach for a long time! Read More
In this article, you’ll learn ways to deal with your anti-climax phases, so that you reduce their impact on yourself, and continue moving forward in your life, career, and business. Knowing how to manage your blues is key to your growth and overall success! Read More

How To Turn Your Confidence ON!

Avatar Posted by FrederiqueMurphy under Self-Development
From 3921 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on November 2, 2013 3:37 am
In this article, you’ll learn ways to turn your confidence ON, so that you do not let a lack of confidence hold you back. Your confidence (or lack thereof) has a direct impact on your success, so apply any (or all) of these 9 strategies to think, feel and act with confidence! Read More
In this article, I talk about that one thing that all of us want: Happiness. At the end of our day, week, month, quarter, year, life, when we think back, we measure the value of our time against the level of our happiness. Let’s radically boost yours today by putting in place these 6 steps that wil Read More
Ever wondered how some people reach their goals, one after the other?, and asked yourself: “What am I missing?” In this article, I share with you the missing component: a strategy, tested in the scientific world (+ LOTS of personal experience) and proven to add that little extra to your ordinary wa Read More

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