FrederiqueMurphy submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Kick-Start 2013 => Mindset Top 10 Blog Posts!

Avatar Posted by FrederiqueMurphy under Self-Development
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on January 18, 2013 8:51 pm
To kick-start this year in-style, I’d like to feature the mindset shifts, techniques and tips that our readers have found the most valuable in 2012. Within this article, you will find our 2012 Top 10, a terrific way to either refresh your memory or discover a wide range of mindset topics, AND apply Read More
In this article, I share with you a head-to-toe checklist to help you ensure you are aligned within, so that you can live a balanced life! Have a read, and thanks to this straightforward, yet powerful, visual process, move forward in the direction of your dreams. Read More
In this article, I share with you 6 ways to optimise your bucket list, and by doing this, you’ll have a plan to make the most of every step of your journey! Have a read, and thanks to these How-To’s, learn how to take control of your own happiness! Read More
In this article, I share with you some mindset myths; believing in one of several of these is preventing you from truly leveraging the power of your mindset, therefore having a negative impact on you, your dreams, goals, and overall success. Have a read & find out if you believe in any of these... Read More

6 Ways To Turn Things Around

Avatar Posted by FrederiqueMurphy under Self-Development
From 4362 days ago
Made Hot by: Llewellyn on September 24, 2012 8:00 am
In this article, I share with you 6 ways to turn things around. Things happen: happened, are happening, and will continue to happen; don’t let them stand in your way to success; have a read, and learn how to turn things around to your advantage. Read More
In this article, I share with you 5 actions you can implement today which will result in 5 different ways to maximise your success. These proven practices will impact your productivity, communication, energy, memory, and all around well-being! Read More
In this article, I share with you 5 steps to go from inaction to impactful results. We’ve all been guilty of delayed starts, but it gets us nowhere. Have a read, and thanks to this S.T.A.R.T. process, learn how to take control and take action! Read More
In this article, I share with you how you can tweak or create your strategies by having a conversation with someone you admire; have a read, and thanks to this process, you can gain insights from those around you. Read More
Our thoughts directly impact our results, in our life, career, and business; from a thought, to a decision, to an action, to a result. So, in this series of mini posts, I share powerful mindset shifts, empowering you to embrace your success. Today, "If you want something to change, you need to... Read More
In this article, I share with you 3 powerful ways that you can become more aware of the strategies that you are implementing daily, tweak them and get the results you desire. Have a read and learn the steps that will enable you to focus on your strategies and, tune in with your daily activities. Read More

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