Liz_062 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

No longer the domains of ultra-early adopters and video gamers, virtual reality and augmented reality are poised to take off in the coming 24 months. Read More
Regardless of the size of your brand or your business, there are many methods to capture social media views. There is a lot of advice out there for marketers, much of which relates to shifting focus rather than getting started. A report from search-engine-optimization firm Higher Visibility explore Read More

The Entrepreneur's Guide to Personal Productivity

The Entrepreneur\'s Guide to Personal Productivity - Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Self-Development
From 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on January 30, 2017 5:04 pm
As an entrepreneur, productivity means making the most of limited time and resources. You're just one person! Here are our best strategies for staying on top. Read More
Marketing organizations of all sizes are being inundated by data from multiple digital marketing channels and an increasing number of consumer devices. Faced with challenging market dynamics and increasing ROI pressure, more B2B marketers are using marketing automation platforms to manage complex, Read More
Instagram announced live video for Instagram Stories last November and began rolling the feature out in the U.S. the following month. Now, it is available globally. Read More
Local SEO is so significant that almost half of all Google searches are local, and it will become even more significant in 2017. Read More
Which is most likely to yield the greatest ROI for your agency: hiring a new business person or outsourcing? Find out if you should hire a new business person. Read More
Do you want to humanize your business on social media?

Have you thought about using social media emoji?

Emojis are a fun and creative way to connect with your customers on a more personal level and show your brand’s personality. Read More
Before you market to an audience, first you have to find them. Most marketers have their favorite channels — ones that have worked for them in the past, or where they feel most comfortable with the lingo and standards. But as time and technology push forward, the places where people spend time chan Read More
Having physical staff is often seen as a black mark against transferability. Some companies rely on the skills and personalities of their staff which introduces an element of risk into the transition of ownership. After all, there is no way to know exactly how staff will react to you.
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