MashaKaran submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Startup Open is a competition to recognise and reward startups and the entrepreneurs behind them. Held as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Startup Open will recognise the top 50 startups each year and award prizes to help them grow their business.
It is open to any entrepreneur who has just o Read More
On the 23rd of June, in a historical referendum British people voted to leave the European Union, the so-called “Brexit”. Soon afterwards the pound was plunging against the dollar by more than 10% to $1.32 per pound, which is a 30-year low. Read More
The SEEC Idea Pitch Competition presents students with a great opportunity to pitch their business idea to a panel of judges and a chance to win cash prizes. Idea pitch is a frequently used term, which literally means “tell me about your business within the time that it would take to ride up an ele Read More
VentureOut brings the world’s best tech startups to the world’s best tech communities and gives them the knowledge, connections and opportunities they need to succeed. Read More
If you are the greatest, if you train like you’re the greatest, if you pay the price, you can say you’re the greatest. You know Ali said he was the greatest before anyone knew his name. He hadn’t even proved it yet. To me, that’s about over-commit. You have to overcommit and then over-deliver. That Read More
The Arch Grants Global Startup Competition is an international competition that awards $50,000 equity-free, cash grants, and pro bono support services to the most innovative and scalable startups that are willing to locate their business in St. Louis, Missouri. Read More
In order for millennials to have their opinions heard, there will need to be a greater voter turnout among this generation in future political processes. As a generation that is less engaged in the political process than previous generations, the political engagement of this generation is crucial i Read More

The three fundamentals for success in business

The three fundamentals for success in business  - Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Strategy
From 2932 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on June 28, 2016 2:43 pm
There are at least three issues that are undoubtedly more relevant than finding the perfect business idea. The subjects we will be discussing below are the key points that must be present in every founder’s mindset. Read More
The European SharePoint Conference:
4 Days. 8 Stages. 2,000 Delegates.

The European SharePoint Conference is more than a conference – it is a community organisation on a mission to support the SharePoint and Office 365 community.

Each year ESPC gathers the leading SharePoint and Office 365 t Read More
The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.

At Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Rhodes Scholars join just over 20,000 stu Read More

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