MashaKaran submitted the following stories to BizSugar

A networking event is a fertile forum where relationships are born as well as cultivated. These relationships, when fostered with the right spirit, can and will lead to innumerable successes. Read More
European Women in Tech 2016 is brought to you by the creators of Women of Silicon Roundabout, the UK’s leading women in tech event series.

With Europe being a world leader in technology, this conference has been created to inspire and connect European women working in this sector. Through though Read More
Developed by D-RAFT, MasterCard®, and Ghelamco, The Heart Warsaw helps leading corporations pilot & scale innovations developed by promising Europe- and Israel-based companies in FinTech, Omni-Channel Retail Sales, and IoT. Read More
The University Startup World Cup 2016 is organised by Venture Cup, a Danish non-profit organisation which has 16 years of experience hosting startup competitions for university startups. The vision is to create a network among international students in which they can be inspired, benchmark their id Read More
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
– Albert Einstein

Whether you are a student, an employee, or an expert project manager, you surely know that project management is a discipline of initiating, planning, executing, and managing resources Read More
The Millennials are the generation that has been receiving the most marketing attention lately.

There are good reasons for this.

The Millennials represent the largest population group internationally that is young, full of energy and sees the world differently than the previous generations.
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A world-class experience for European innovators, Money20/20 Europe is more than just an event. It’s a catalyst for the growth and development of the payments and financial services ecosystem.

Money20/20 organises the world’s largest events focused on payments and financial services innovation f Read More
Content is key

People get bored insanely easily.

If you want to organically grow your channels you need to make sure you keep posting content that people want. Notice the ‘want’, if you consistently post a certain type of tweet, Insta, or YouTube video that gets good responses keep those up Read More
A couple of years ago, a good friend of mine asked me whether I thought teamwork was the solution for professional success.

At that time, I was studying teamwork in great detail since it was the focus of my research. I am a firm believer in collaboration and I will never miss a chance to support Read More
GTC Europe is a two-day conference designed to expose the innovative ways developers, businesses, and academics are using parallel computing to transform our world.

From deep learning and self-driving cars to virtual reality and high-performance computing; network, learn and do business with Eur Read More

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