MashaKaran submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Mill was a place of transformation. It converted cotton to cloth, grain to flour, ore to steel. The Mill changed the landscape of our economy once. And it is ready to do it again.

The Mill helps idea and seed stage startups evolve. Read More
Much can be said, and has been said, about the ways in which social media tools can enhance a company’s marketing and outreach.

According to an old saying, though, the best form of marketing is a strong customer service; provide your first-time buyer with a winsome experience and you’ve converte Read More
You probably didn’t expect your week to start this way: Microsoft has bought LinkedIn for $26.2 billion.

The company plans to integrate the career-oriented social network into many of its apps and services, including Office, Skype and Cortana. You’d get the details of the person you’re meeting f Read More
L Brands have been called an “academy company” for the ability to develop its associates into the best in the business. That’s why a unique L Brands internship with their family of world-renowned brands is the ultimate place to incubate your career.

L Brands is a family of associates creating th Read More
The Entrepreneurial Revolution is hitting us with all its power. Startup Extreme is a one day conference to explore the opportunities this new era is creating. Join Startup Extreme to get insights into the changes affecting business as usual in big corporations. How do you capitalise, collaborate a Read More
Meet founders, VCs and business angels at Odonien, a scrapyard in Cologne which, together with the selected participants and speakers, creates the very special atmosphere the Pirate Summit is known for. The aim is to gather 1.200 passengers on the boat, all one by one to be chosen by the Pirate Sum Read More

Do You Have a Feedback Culture?

Do You Have a Feedback Culture? - Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Strategy
From 2947 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on June 14, 2016 10:36 am
Leaders, I have an important question for you: Do you actively court feedback? Are you constantly seeking insight into how you’re doing your job, and suggestions for how you could do it even better?

To put it even more pointedly: If one of your team members approached you with a constructive per Read More
As the landscape of commerce becomes more competitive, companies are constantly coming up with new ideas for products that can be sold to create the highest profit. Companies are trying to sell their commodities in unique ways than ever before. Read More
On your first day, within the scope of an introduction event, you will be given all the important information and documents that you’ll need during your internship. This also gives you an opportunity to meet interns from other departments. Read More
NEXT 2016 is the event for those who wants to actively participate in shaping the digital transformation. Together with 1.300 digital minds from all around the world, you will have the chance to dive deeply into the world of tomorrow’s customers, business models, and strategies. Read More

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