ScottDudley submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Sometimes I like to cast my mind fondly back to the early 2,000s. People were just starting to dabble in building websites, and many of us were young and foolish. If you went to your average website back then here's what you would find: a narrow and linear page with an obscure and garish background Read More
The idea behind SEO is to build your website's reputation and position in Google, by generating quality content, building links and generally through hard work. Read More
Talk about the lunatics taking over the asylum; back in the halcyon days of marketing, advertising agencies were firmly in control of consumers. Back then all you had to do was tell a consumer they had to have product X and they’d damn well beat your doors down to get it. Read More
Advertising for your business is key to gaining more clients and increasing sales. What constitutes as good or successful marketing may depend on the market the business is in. However, a variety of tactics can be used to make sure potential customers know about the brand. Read More
The success of a newsletter is determined by its readers. Who reads your work and who is concerned about your business? And more importantly, what is it that you want to communicate and how effectively do you manage to do that? Read More
The idea of taking a gap year and exploring the world is so common these days that you almost certainly know someone who has done it, even if you haven’t yet taken a break yourself. Of course, the big problem for a lot of people is a lack of the folding stuff to keep them going for months on end wi Read More
If you own a local business, you need to be optimizing with Google Places for your own benefit. While this may seem like an odd idea for businesses that stick to mostly paid traffic, utilizing Google Places has tons of benefits that can help your business. Read More
If you want to be successful as a blogger or webmaster then it helps to know the right people. In short, if you can build good working relationships with successful bloggers, then they can help you to reach a bigger audience, they can give you links and they can review your books and products and m Read More
There are not too many sentences that would pair Snooki, the 24 year old guidette from the cast of Jersey Shore, and Omar Little, the renowned stick-up man from the HBO drama The Wire, together but there’s one thing that these two unique personalities do well, branding. Read More
Search engine optimization is a tedious process. Why? Because it requires so many different techniques in order to become successful. But implementing as many as you can will get you closer to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages). Read More

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