ScottDudley submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Its official; let it be known that Google is sick and tired of spammers and algorithm manipulators. This is evident by their recent ‘Penguin’ update that has been rolling out over the last week. This update that was announced at the SXSW conference by Matt Cutts briefly outlined what was going to c Read More
Opting for blog customization by marketing affiliate products is a good idea. However, you need to ensure that these products are of high quality. Additionally, make sure that the merchant enjoys a good reputation in the market. Read More
Many business owners feel bored with their logo designs after few years. In such a situation, they think about introducing a fresh logo. However, this may not be a good idea because logo acts as the strongest representative of a company. Read More
Often, graphic designers are faced with a demand from their clients to finish a project as soon as possible. Needless to say, it is not really possible to do so but is commonplace in the brochure design industry. This article offers some suggestions to handle your flyer design work and client withi Read More
Clark is a local business owner who’s constantly on the go meeting clients, employees, distributors, customers, vendors, and so forth. Throughout the day he’s in his office, on the subway, at lunch, walking to meetings, giving presentations and much more. Read More
In order to stay viable in an ultra-competitive online marketplace a website that performs well and delivers leads is a necessity. There are two options for implementing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy; one is that of the company that does their SEO in- house. Read More
When it comes to advertising and marketing your brand, businesses might tend to gravitate first towards a more traditional medium – television ads, magazine or newspaper ads, even banner ads. While these methods are great and do provide a significant return on investment, they are often expensive. Read More
The higher appearance in search engine results is subjected to the parameters set by search engine algorithm. However, till now, no webmaster has been able to find all the true components which the search engines associate with the ranking, and the magnitude of their impact on rankings. Read More
By now, most of the search engine optimization (SEO) specialists and experts worldwide have already heard about the algorithm changes that Google is rolling out. It’s one thing to hear and read about this. It’s also another to actually plan to do something about it. Read More
Did you know, paying a monthly fee for backlinks to your blog or website may do your small business more harm than good? Small Business SEO isn't about expensive monthly backlinking products that put you at risk of search engine penalties. Small business SEO is about clever keywording strategies th Read More

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