SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

EDGY Conversations is a fresh look at how ordinary people can achieve outrageous success. Based on 1,000 stories of high performers who defied the odds and achieved personal success, the book challenges the conventional wisdom about how to achieve audacious goals and outlines the surprising truths Read More
Someone once said you can't appreciate the ups if you don't experience and appreciate the downs. Same is true for selling time, you make much more out of your sales time by including some down time. Don't be afraid of not doing something all the time. Read More
A great book and discussion about sales incentive and driving behaviour that delivers results for both the company and the sales person. Read More
Don't let the label distract you from the goal, good-selling, every other label is there to sell you something, not help you sell better. Read More
If you’re looking to boost productivity, cut down on wasted time, and see an increase in sales, these tools could be just what you’re looking for. Read More

Mistakes Are Better Than Regrets – Sales eXecution 243

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 3848 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on March 20, 2014 8:57 am
It is a lot better and easier to analyse mistakes than to hypothesis about what may have been. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, act, measure, and go back again, and succeed without regrets. Read More
All to many sales people set to settle for second place, which does not include sales success. It take just a bit of effort to turn an also ran into a winner. Read More
If you think if a sales as a campaign to win the buyer and their business, what can sales people learn from politicians? Read More
There is enough confusion in the world, let's not add to it in sales. Let's be clear, there is buying and there is selling; you need sales people one and order takers for the other. Read More

I Made a Sales Mistakes, Have You? And then What…?

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 3859 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on March 8, 2014 3:22 pm
Anybody can make a mistake, it's easy. What separates sales people is how they view it - dead end or opportunity - and what they do as a result. Read More

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