Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In this post, you'll find a few new spins on some “classic” Twitter tips, as well as a few new ideas that will help you get the most of Twitter for your business. Read More
Pinterest and Facebook are both popular social networks and both are supplying many businesses with significant web traffic and sales. What about when you want to create some synergy between the two?

Do you sometimes want to share a Pinterest pin to your Facebook business page? Now you Read More
Do you want to reach millions of people with your brand or message? Then you should be posting videos on Facebook. But not just any old videos -- learn how to give yourself the best chance to go viral. Read More
Statistics don’t lie. With Pinterest, the platform has reached a whole new level of social growth in 2016. Pinterest’s monthly user-rate hit 150 million people, up 50% from the previous year. Read More
If you're just getting started with LinkedIn for business you may be a little lost. Like any social media platform it is its own beast, with unique best practices and audience expectations. Even if you've already been using LinkedIn for promoting your business, there are probably opportunities for Read More
It’s no secret that Pinterest is one of the biggest sources of referral traffic on the Internet. While increased traffic can help bloggers and media companies to sell more advertising, many businesses (especially e-commerce) use Pinterest to sell their products directly. For these businesses the go Read More
Who’d have thought it? 13 years on, Facebook continues to grow and is the top social media platform for retail businesses.

Now boasting 2 billion active users, Facebook is home to 50 million small business pages. 49 percent of users who like business pages do so to show their support and brand l Read More
There are over 300,000,000 people active on Twitter and in the United States alone over 88 million people visit Twitter each month.

That means almost 40% of the adult population (more than 1 out of every 3 adults) are using Twitter here in the United States alone.. Read More
It is one of the fastest-growing social networks, but are you making the most of its photo and video features? Get some handy hints. Read More
Are you sick and tired of your Facebook marketing falling flat, regardless of how much effort you put into it? Would you love for your time and energy on Facebook marketing to finally pay off and generate some engagement?..

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