Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Find out the 9 Do’s and Don’ts in Twitter for businesses and learn how to market and advertise successfully for your business.. Read More
Who would have believed that a Facebook-owned app could become home to more than 300 million active users?

Since 2010, when Instagram came into social media existence, top brands, social media influencers, celebrities and smart entrepreneurs have taken advantage of Instagram to engage their targ Read More
Who would have believed that a Facebook-owned app could become home to more than 300 million active users?

Since 2010, when Instagram came into social media existence, top brands, social media influencers, celebrities and smart entrepreneurs have taken advantage of Instagram to engage their targ Read More
Organically growing a Twitter following is no easy feat. Who wants to follow a B2B paper shredding company or consumer-focused personal hygiene company like Q-tips®? You’d be surprised. However, in order to gain real business value from Twitter, you need to be tweeting to more than a 100 followers. Read More
In today’s episode of The Art of Passive Income, Mark and Scott talk to Vinay Patankar who is co-founder and CEO of Process.st —a task and workflow auto... Read More
Let's begin with some of the mistakes that some beginners may do while marketing their product or brand on Instagram.. Read More
Let’s say you’re a local business in Indianapolis. Finding and engaging with followers across the US is of little value. You need a way to engage with the people nearest you that are actually going to drive results for your business.. Read More
Twitter has always been one of the most popular social networks. It’s used around the world, with over 500 million new Tweets each day. Many businesses have taken notice, and have created their own account to promote themselves. But like any social media account, it takes upkeep and consistent cont Read More
This is the most common question that businesses have when working on Social Media. How often to post on Instagram and other channels is 100% determined by your audience, but here are the common best practices to keep in mind.. Read More
We all hit a bit of a marketing ‘content creation’ slump at times. Suddenly, we can’t even come up with a single interesting idea and our Facebook page feels like its dying from inactivity. That’s quite reasonable; we have a lot on our minds (like keeping all the other plates spinning in our busine Read More

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