Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Are you tired of seeing ads and “promoted posts” in your social media newsfeeds?
Trust us, you’re not alone. The constant ad interruption is taking its toll, and consumers are not afraid of letting brands know how they feel.
So, what are small/startup business owners supposed to do if investing i Read More
Mega-corporations get most of the publicity when it comes to cybercrime and hacking. But new information shows nearly half of all cybercrime targets small business, giving the cyber crooks access to huge amounts of cash and information.
Last year saw approximately half of worldwide Internet attack Read More
Have you ever thought to yourself, “If I just had enough working capital, I could push my business in the right direction?” Well, the good news is that there are ways to bring in working capital from the outside and grow your business. You will need a strategy, though. Read More
If I had to name the business task I hear the most complaints about, it would definitely be setting up meetings.
Apparently nothing is more tedious than the seemingly never-ending back-and-forth emails that continue until everybody finally agrees on a time and place.
Wouldn’t it be great if someo Read More
Voting for Small Business Book Awards is now open and will run through May 11, 2016, at 12:00 pm Pacific Time Nominations opened on March 2, 2016, and since then we’ve had nearly 200 business books nominated by the Small Business Trends Community. Over the last eight weeks, hundreds of you submitte Read More
Disruptive technologies are all about challenging the lifestyle boundaries that guide us as consumers. These innovations thrust us into the unknown, redefining our daily routines to establish new markets the world never even knew it needed — and no disruptive technology has evolved faster than wear Read More
The focus of IT no longer only within the enterprise. It has now shifted to a wider ecosystem by opening up its data to developers so they can create new experiences for customers. And application programming interfaces (APIs) are proving to be the foundation for the digital transformation that is Read More
If you browse for businesses using the Yellow Pages website or mobile apps, you may notice a small change in some of the listings. These listings on or the YP app now display A and A+ ratings and accreditation from the Better Business Bureau where applicable.
When searching or browsing YP’s Read More
Microsoft, Facebook, Slack … Simone, Her, and i, Robot. Bots of all kinds have long been the subject of movies and software centered on artificial intelligence, but as of late the hype about bots, specifically chatbots, has spiked considerably. Headlines confetti the internet claiming chatbots are Read More
When business owners strategize ways to increase profits, their energy is usually focused on how they can attract more customers to generate additional sales. However, working smarter — not harder — is the key to boosting the bottom line. Improving net earnings is directly linked to controlling cos Read More

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