Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Ever since BlackBerry joined forces with Google on the company’s latest phone — Priv by BlackBerry — life has become considerably easier. That’s especially true for small business owners who use BlackBerry’s apps available on the Play Store to manage their businesses.
Business owners no longer ha Read More
Sound Suite, a product from Tie National, a technology solutions provider for multi-location businesses, is a system designed to manage the content that callers hear while on hold.
The on hold messaging platform includes a variety of music appropriate for different kinds of businesses. It also let Read More
Congratulations — you came up with a great idea or designed a new invention! Now you may be wondering, “should I file for a patent?”
Filing for a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is a great way to guard all your hard work, but there are rules to filing for this creative protection Read More
Recently, Ray Leach, the CEO of JumpStart Inc., aroused the ire of economic development advocates for defending the move of a local startup named Phenom to entrepreneurial hotspot San Francisco to join 500 Startups, a top accelerator.
As an entrepreneurship researcher, active angel investor and co Read More
Big banks have long been accused of turning a blind eye to small businesses’ credit needs, but things are changing for the better now.
According to the Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index, March 2016, the monthly analysis of more than 1,000 small business loan applications on, l Read More
A vast majority of American workers are worried about their financial future, according to a new study by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
The latest Workplace Benefits Report has revealed that American workers’ stress about their finances has increased, while confidence in their financial futures h Read More
Periscope, Twitter’s live streaming video app, is now testing a new Periscope Sketching feature that allows users to draw and doodle on top of live-streamed video.

The Periscope Sketching feature, which is expected to go live shortly, will allow users to choose from several color options, and wi Read More

Pennsylvania Legalizes Medical Marijuana

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on April 26, 2016 12:38 pm
Pennsylvania legalizes medical marijuana and goes down in the history books as the 24th state in the U.S. to do so.
Surrounded by a jubilant crowd of supporters in the rotunda at the Capitol building in Harrisburg, Gov. Tom Wolf, signed the bill into law.
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The Benefits of "Sleep Pods" at Work

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Employee Benefits
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on April 28, 2016 1:40 am
The caption for this cartoon evolved quite a bit while it sat marinating in my spreadsheet for a month or two.
At first it was, “They’re smaller, cheaper, and easier to assemble than cubicles.” Which just sort of sits there and asks you, “The joke is where?” Read More

8 Effective Small Business Expansion Tips

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on April 25, 2016 3:29 pm
Eventually every small business owner wants their business to grow and expand. But how do you grow a small business into a big one? What are some of the most effective small business expansion tips to grow a business beyond its current status? Read More

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