Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Few things matter to most employees as much as vacation time, and with good reason — nearly all experts agree that taking some time off can lead to happier, healthier, more productive employees and likewise, careers.
Not only that, but according to Forbes, taking PTO (paid time off) is also better Read More
If your printer is getting low on ink, Amazon wants to know. Actually, it already could know and have a new supply at your door before you even realize the ink was low.
The company says its new Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) can detect low supplies in your office of smart, connected devices — in Read More
This fall, YouTube videos that highlight a product — such as product reviews or how-to tutorials — will begin to feature new Shopping ads. The new ads allow viewers to click to read more about the product and even purchase it right on YouTube.
“Buy buttons” are already prolific on Google, Pintere Read More
I love playing with language and the business world offers up an almost unending and constantly renewable source of fun words and phrases to play with.
“Under-performing” is a recent favorite. It sounds so nice and polite. It’s not that you’re not doing well, or maybe you could use some help, or y Read More
I’ve been using the Amazon Echo device for almost a year. And most of what I do is ask Alexa — the virtual assistant in Echo — what the weather is, who won the Rams game, add batteries to my shopping list, or even to play the new song from Prince.
I also use Siri to dial people on my iPhone when I Read More
At Adobe’s MAX conference in Los Angeles recently, the company announced new mobile apps, desktop tools, plus a new portfolio service that could be good news for creative professionals.
Plenty of updates are also coming, but here is a list of some new things to look forward to. Read More
There are plenty of online resources available for helping small businesses find legal resources. But obtaining actual legal counsel has still been a relatively involved process — until now. Legal Hero just introduced a new service that offers on-demand legal help for small businesses.
In addition Read More
After a preview app released at the end of 2014, Skype Translator is finally here for desktop, translating six languages in voice. The new desktop app translates even more languages in text — what Skype calls “messaging languages.”
To be clear, Skype Translator has been around for almost a year as Read More

5 Reasons Your Business is in Chaos and What You Can Do About It

5 Reasons Your Business is in Chaos and What You Can Do About It - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 3178 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on October 10, 2015 3:26 pm
It’s a universal truth among small business owners: There are only twenty-four hours in the day – but a million and one things to do.
Business chaos is commonplace among entrepreneurs, but there are ways to overcome it if you recognize its causes and think creatively about its solutions.
Having s Read More
Evita Turquoise Robinson loves to travel. She has ever since her college years when she took her first trip to Paris. And it was that love for travel that led her to invite 100 of her Facebook friends to start a traveling group four years ago.
Now, that travel group is known as the Nomadness Trave Read More

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