Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Small business owners are well aware that technology is becoming more important to their success:
Two-thirds of SMBs indicate technology is a primary factor in pursuing their business objectives; and
72 percent of SMB decision makers say that technology solutions can help them significantly impro Read More
Last week, Ivanka Trump joined 1,500 entrepreneurs in Hyderabad, India, for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit.
Just about everyone wanted to get close to this global celebrity and now Special Advisor to President Donald Trump, her father.

I was at her last public appearance at the conference, Read More
Canva is finally available on Android. And for 10 million plus Canva users around the world, the move is a welcomed addition to this popular design application.
Making Canva available on Android now means more than 2 billion monthly active mobile users will have access to the DIY design platform o Read More
Learn 6 more secrets, and many more specific tips, in the webinar “How to Improve Your Business Credit — and Get a Better Loan”.
The webinar takes place Wednesday Dec. 6, 2017 3-4 p.m. EST. The webinar features Rohit Arora, Co-Founder and CEO of Biz2Credit, the small business loan marketplace that Read More
Billions of messages flow through messaging apps every single day, with a growing number of those messages going between customers and businesses. And according to a recent study commissioned by Facebook, 330 million people connected with a small business for the first time this year. Read More
This is the busiest month for a lot of small businesses. And it can also be the most costly, thanks in part to fees like the surcharge that UPS just added to holiday shipments going out the week before Christmas.
And that’s not the only news from the past week that could have an impact on busy ent Read More

(POLL) Does Your Business Provide Mobile Phones for Employees?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 2493 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on December 4, 2017 6:47 pm
Smartphones and mobile connections have literally changed the game for small businesses, no doubt.
They’re the ultimate weapon these days in business. They keep you and your employees connected just about anywhere you are. They perform so many functions yet it seems the last thing you need them fo Read More
While angel investing is high-risk by nature, but investors don’t need to be reckless. They can be purposeful, or, if steered by the advice in Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups, methodical. If you’re a startup, there’s a right way to communicate with angel investors, and numerous ways to Read More
‘Tis the season to be jolly — or not so jolly as the case may be if you’re stuck next to the notorious office joker at the Holiday staff party! If you’ve worked in an office, you’ll almost certainly be able to relate to the different personalities mapped out on GetVoip’s infographic, the colleagues Read More

How to Start a Roku Channel for Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Products and Services
From 2498 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on December 1, 2017 8:21 pm
Traditional television is fading fast. Today’s consumers want total control over the content they view, and streaming boxes and services such as Roku (NASDAQ:ROKU) are making this possible.
In addition to providing content from broadcast TV and movie studios, Roku lets your small business create a Read More

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