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Macswomen submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Growing your email list is very essential to growing your business' reach. But if you've been doing email marketing campaign for quite sometime without much results, then the problem may be in your overall proposition.

Here are the four easy steps for increasing your sign-up rates usi Read More
Since email clients have improved their spam-filtering features, spammers are looking to get into platforms still vulnerable to spamming – social media.

If you are an online marketer you must start tailoring your campaigns so that it takes into account the presence of spams. Following Read More
The online market is becoming more and more competitive. Online businesses are fighting to be in front of their target audience. Hunreds of millions of sales pitches – in the form of social media updates, emails, blog posts, videos, audios – are being sent out every second.

Find out how you can Read More
As an online entrepreneur it is very essential that you're always updated with the latest online trends since the digital world is where you and your business thrive.

You need to follow people who have made it big online – the mavens of online businesses, the Seth Godins and the Guy Kawasakis. Read More
Are you an online marketer? Are you having difficulty coming up with NEW and FRESH content to consistently share.

The next time you run out of ideas, don’t let frustration set in. try the tips provided in this article. Read More

How to Motivate Yourself on Bad Days - MACs Women

Avatar Posted by macswomen under Startups
From 4023 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 5, 2013 12:58 am
As much as we'd love to wake up every single day feeling ready to conquer the world, life just doesn't work that way. A sleepless night could leave us feeling fatigued the next day, unable to keep up with the demands of running a business. Sometimes we just feel down for no reason at all.

While Read More
Content marketing is BIG. By consistently creating valuable and shareable content through a variety of online channels, companies are able to establish that they're the go-to brand in their industry and thus gain the trust of their consumers.

To be able to harness the power of content marketing Read More
Today's workplace is more competitive than ever. You are not just competing with people in the same geographical location; the Internet makes the global workforce your competition as well.

Being at the top of your game is therefore very important. Here are some subtle work blunders you might be Read More
No single business succeeded right off the bat. Failed products, unsuccessful ventures, and failure in general have always been, and will always be, a part of every success story. But not everyone who went down the trenches were able to bounce back to tell their inspiring success story; some were s Read More
"How do I create that kind of content without Coca-Cola's budget?"

We get it. We've heard it. So let's address it. This post will highlight the big hit campaigns Coca-Cola launched this year, explain the methodology behind it (courtesy of Mildenhall's keynote), and provide some ways to actually Read More

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