Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Keywords are at the foundation of an SEO campaign. Keyword research is the first step, to find out how people are searching for the products or services that your business provides. Read More
Some may argue that B2B marketing is more challenging than B2C. A B2B marketer typically needs to convince more than one person within an organization that their product/service is the right one for the organization. Since multiple employees may have a say in the decision, the sales cycle is typica Read More
I see so many site owners make the mistake of thinking that SEO is a “set it and forget it” medium. Just like any other marketing campaign you may undertake this year, SEO is something that can’t just put on the back burner and expect to run itself. Read More
As SEO experts, we’ll be the first to admit that SEO can be a frustrating field so we can only imagine how SEO clients feel. Here are some of the top SEO frustrations. Read More
I know that, for many small business owners and marketing managers, the SEO budget is tight. You simply can’t afford to hire a full-time SEO copywriter, a full-time link building manager, a full-time social media marketing manager and so forth. Read More
One of the first things that you should do once your website is up and running is to add Google Analytics to the site. Google Analytics is a free tool by Google that provides you with data about the performance of your site. Without Analytics, you are essentially operating your site blindly. How ar Read More
When writing copy that is going to be published anywhere it’s important to consider the basics- correct spelling, language, grammar, structure, organization, etc. However, writing for the web and more specifically, for SEO purposes, is a different kind of writing that requires additional thought. Read More
Before I go any further let me say that I think blog commenting is a great link building tactic provided it’s done right. This means actually reading the post and responding to something that struck you as interesting or insightful. “Great post!” doesn’t really cut it, nor should you ever try to pr Read More
Many small businesses simply don’t have the budget to hire a new employee to handle SEO or to outsource the work to a full service SEO firm. Typically what happens is that SEO duties get handed off to someone in the marketing department that already has a busy schedule. In a very small business, th Read More
SEO is extremely important for any business that wants to improve its online presence and good SEO does cost money. Unfortunately many small businesses don’t even bother looking into SEO because all they think about is the cost that is associated with it. While it’s true that a small business with Read More

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